Dusty Pink Trousers & Lace Top


Hey there! I feel quite content today (which is quite rare haha), the Royal Wedding is only in two days time, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be in London! To top it up, I am on holidays, I found a lovely job, and am back to volunteering in the Oxfam Boutique, which I enjoy a lot! Especially because I'm now going to be more involved with the visual merchandising; I just love putting outfits together for the window display, and it makes me so happy when someone buys things from there! Back to my outfit, I am wearing something I used not to like at all: hareem trousers, or are they chino trousers? Anyway, I've recently been liking them a lot, and I think it's all about finding the ones that suit you! I love these ones from H&M, the print is so cute, and they are oh so comfortable! I'm wearing them with the Next lace top featured in my previous post, and a turquoise ring from Primark!

Bonjour ! J'ai vraiment hâte d'être à vendredi, pour le mariage royal ! Je suis de bonne humeur (c'est si rare haha) car je suis en vacances, j'ai trouvé un boulot plutôt cool, et je suis de retour en tant que bénévole à la boutique Oxfam où j'avais travaillé l'année dernière ! Je m'occupe de tout ce qui est visual merchandising cette année, et ça me plait beaucoup; j'adore créer des tenues en fonction de ce que l'on a, des tendances, tout en restant créative !Pour en revenir à ma tenue, je porte un type de pantalon que je n'aimais pas du tout avant, mais dernièrement j'ai changé d'avis et j'adore celui-ci qui vient de chez H&M ! Je le porte avec mon haut en dentelle Next, et ma bague turquoise de chez Primark ! Sans oublier mon étérnel chapeau de paille, qu'est-ce que je ferais sans lui ? ^^Allez-vous regarder le mariage à la télé ce vendredi ? Je serais à Hyde Park dès l'aube (ou presque) !

I am also wearing my straw hat yet again, I love it so much! The last picture is just to show you my hat a bit better.. Ok it's actually to hide my face, I find it so hard to smile/look natural on the pictures hehe. What are your plans for this Friday? I shall be in Hyde Park from a very early time!

Spring Love

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Hey everyone, today is a bit of a different post, I wanted to share with you the things that I'm loving most at the moment! I thought my garden and its trees in bloom would make a nice background! Firstly, I love my new lace top from Next, I just keep wearing it, it's so pretty and I love adding a vintage cameo brooch, (pictured on the right).

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If you don't know it yet, I'm a Janeite (in other words a huge fan of Jane Austen) and I keep looking for books about her, and this one is so amazing! It's full of interesting facts about Jane Austen, her family, her life, where she lived, her novels etc -definitely a must have for fans of Jane Austen, and it's quite cheap on Amazon (£6). I'm also loving the trees in bloom at the moment, especially the cherry blossoms but unfortunately I don't have any in my garden!



Finally, my Primark straw hat which I bought last year, and which was such a good investment, seeing as I keep wearing this year as well! What are you loving at the moment?

Voici ce que j'aime en ce moment, dans l'ordre: mon top en dentelle de chez Next, je n'arrête pas de le porter, et avec cette petite broche vintage, je trouve que c'est vraiment joli ! Mon livre de chevet en ce moment est un livre sur Jane Austen, mon auteur préférée, comme son titre l'indique c'est une vraie bible pour ses fidèles fans ! Enfin, mon chapeau de paille provenant de chez Primark, que je continue de porter cette année, et que j'aime toujours autant ! Et vous, qu'aimez-vous en ce moment ?

Iris in Wonderland


Hey guys! I haven't written in quite a while, sorry about that; actually my last project for uni is due on Thursday and then I should have more time to post.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd share with you a couple of pictures that my group took for our magazine project, I was one of the 'models' (I put '' because I am clearly not a model) but I really like how they turned out so here is the result! The first picture will be included in the magazine for our main fashion story on florals so I'm quite happy!
For some reason, this outfit reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, even though I know full well I don't look like her :) The skirt is from H&M, it's mine and I'm so pleased I've found a new way to wear it: with a cute ribbon! I also fell in love with the bird headband which, sadly, is not mine! Perhaps I could share more pictures with you once the magazine is handed in next week? Our magazine features a lot of vintage, and is a bit like Lula,so some of you may like it!

Bonjour à tous ! Voici quelques photos provenant d'un photoshoot auquel j'ai participé à la fac, je suis assez contente du résultat ! Notre project de fin d'année est de créer notre propre magazine de mode, et j'ai été l'une des modèles de mon groupe, le thème était 'florals', soit motifs floraux; la jupe vient de chez H&M, je suis assez contente car j'ai trouvé un nouveau moyen de la porter, avec un joli ruban rose ! D'ailleurs, cette tenue me fait un peu penser à Alice au pays des merveilles, (même si je suis bien consciente que je ne lui ressemble pas du tout héhé) Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Spring outfit: pale skin & florals


The weather was so lovely today, for the first day of Spring, and I though it would be appropriate to wear my lovely new dress from Next. When I saw this dress, I could not help but think of Gok Wan.
Random, I know. But I've been watching his new show regularly, and I just thought he would approve of this dress for my body shape as it's fitted around the waist, but larger around the hips, which is good as my hips are a bit wide. It has a neckline that flatters small busts such as mine, and has batwing sleeves, which creates volume around my otherwise tiny arms. And I love the 70s feel of the dress. Anyway, I can safely say that I love this dress and that I will wear it a lot this season!

Voici ma dernière acquisition, cette robe d'esprit 70s provenant de chez Next, que j'ai porté pour célébrer l'arrivée du printemps aujourd'hui (et comme vous pouvez le constater, il faisait beau !) Ce qui me plait vraiment chez cette robe, c'est la coupe, que je trouve parfaite pour ma morphologie, (et c'est rare !) car elle est cintrée à la taille, plus large au niveau des hanches, et le col est flatteur pour les petites poitrines, bref je l'adore !
J'ai également sorti mon headband à fleurs, qui vient de chez Primark, il faut oser mais je trouve que ça complète bien une tenue, et donne un côté romantique ? Je l'ai mal mis sur la dernière photo par contre, héhé.


Dress: c/o Next // Flats: Miss Selfridge // Headband & bracelets: Primark // Necklace: vintage

Also, I've been wearing this rose headband from Primark for the first time today; I originally bought it for a photoshoot I did for uni, but I really love it so I thought I'd wear it myself! I haven't put it properly on the last picture though, hehe. Oh, and for those who were wondering, I took these pictures in my garden, the neighbour next door was outside the whole time, and I was so worried he might see me and think I was crazy or something, taking pictures of myself with the camera on self-timer! :P

a LFW post -at long last-

Sorry I've been off the blogging radar for a while, some things (mostly bad) have happened to me recently and have prevented me from posting.
Back to LFW, I had a press pass this time round, and a couple of tickets for the first day (Friday 18th)! I know this may not seem much -so many bloggers got tickets from different people and PR companies; but alas, no such luck for me and my little blog.
Anyway, I was still very happy and grateful for those tickets and the press pass (I got the Mulberry tote bag this time!). Here are some of the pictures I took, which are shamefully ugly as I made the mistake of borrowing my flatmate's DSLR camera only to realized a bit late that I didn't really know how to use it!
I attended Paul Costelloe's show first thing in the morning, it was freezing and even though I made an effort with my outfit, I'm no English girl who can walk around in skyscrape heels and without a coat in sub-zero temperatures and therefore opted for my beloved sheep skirt with over the knee socks, my brogues, and my vintage brown coat. I don't have any pictures, since nobody seemed to think my outfit worth being photographed (and I can't blame them) so you'll have to imagine!
I really loved the show, the green dress pictured is to die for, and as all the models had red haired wigs, I could see that the colours could probably suit me too (though my hair is not quite as bright, thank god!)



In the afternoon, I attented Aminaka Wilmont's show, where I bumped into the lovely Jen. The collection is really far from my personal style, yet I loved the shoes, and the models' hairstyles: long straight hair with plaits!


Then we went to see the exhibition space, I really wanted to see Orla Kiely's new collection, and was slightly suprised as the clothes were displayed on cardboard pictures stuck on the walls! I spotted the designer herself, and later Leith Clark, but obviously I admired them from afar, I'm way too shy to talk to them!




I hope you liked this little round-up, I did not have the opportunity to come back during the weekend as I had my family visiting, and then I had uni, but next time I'll really try my best to get more tickets, as it's just so exciting to attend the shows, it really is a unique experience!


P.S: reading my post now, I hope it doesn't sound too negative; I'm not one to whine on my blog or in general, as I don't really see the point, but I have to admit my mum is really ill, I had to go back to France for a week to look after her and so I hope you will excuse my somewhat negative tone, but I really wanted to post -I'm not ready to give up on this blog just yet!


Just a quick post today to announce the giveway winners! After a lot of deliberation with myself, I am pleased to announce the two winners as follows:
- UK winner: Ellie of Pretty Much Penniless
- French winner: Lucie
I'm going to send an email to both winners in a minute; congratulations, and thanks to everyone who entered :)
I'll be back soon with some pictures of London Fashion Week, as I attended a couple of shows on Friday!
Voici le résultat de mon concours, après beaucoup de déliberations avec moi-même, voici les gagnantes:
- Uk: Ellie
- France: Lucie
Merci à tous d'avoir participé, je vous retrouve très vite avec une petite review de London Fashion Week, où je suis allé vendredi et où j'ai assisté à deux défilés !

The Elle Style Awards

Hello everyone!

As you may know, on Monday the 14th of February the Elle Style Awards will be held in London. This award ceremony is sponsored by Next this year, and to 'celebrate' this fashionable event on my blog, (which I would SO want to attend!) I thought I'd show you my favourite celebrity outfit of this (past) year and how to recreate it using Next items!
So here it is, featuring Florence Welch from Florence & the Machine, whose style I love and who inspires me a lot! She is one of my style icons, and her music is of course, fantastic! (by the way, anybody watched the latest gossip girl episode which aired yesterday? Florence was singing at the W party in the show!)

Florence wore this outfit at an event organized by the University of the Arts (where I study) last summer, and I think she looks great!
All the items featured are from Next, click on each link below to find them on the website!
I really love this blouse , it looks really similar to Florence's blouse, don't you think? A great find! These lovely high waisted linen shorts are perfect for Spring, and they look so comfy!
Now this woven bag is just so lovely and vintage-inspired :) Last but not least, even though we cannot see her shoes, knowing Florence's style as I do, I bet she was wearing some cute loafers just like these ones!

I'm looking forward to seeing the winners of the Elle Style Awards this year!!
What do you think of this outfit?

Giveaway time // Petit concours !

So, as promised, here is my 100 follower giveaway! The giveaway is open to both UK and French readers, and there are two cute things to win -I will separate French and UK comments at the end, so that one person from each country wins a prize, I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out ;)
First, here are some pictures of what you could win:

Comme promis, voici mon concours organisé après avoir atteint le chiffre impressionant de 100 membres (hihi); ce concours est ouvert aux membres anglais ET français, donc mes lectrices françaises sont les bienvenues ! Il y a deux petites choses à gagner, et je séparerais les commentaires français et anglais, afin qu'une personne de chaque pays gagne un des deux prix! Les voici en images:



The first prize is this lovely vintage box, it's not very big but you can definitely fit some earrings or a necklace, and it looks so sweet!
En premier, cette petit boite à bijoux vintage, que je trouve toute mignonne, et qui est parfaite pour ranger ses boucles d'oreilles ou bagues, ou juste pour faire joli !



The second prize is this charm necklace, with a little teapot and teacup, it's just adorable and I thought most of you would like it! I have also put a postcard with each prize, as you can see on the pictures. So there you have it, my little giveaway, it's not much but it's funded by myself and myself only, and being a student and all that, it's the best I could do :) I hope you will like it, and I'm looking forward to seeing how many of you will enter!

Le deuxième prix est ce sautoir avec une théière et une tasses, j'ai trouvé ce collier tellement mignon, et j'ai pensé qu'il vous plairait aussi !
J'ai également ajouté une carte postale avec chaque prix comme vous pouvez le voir. J'espère que ce petit concours vous plaira

To enter:

- you must be a follower of this blog on google friend connect, if you don't have a blog you can still enter as long as you have a google account or twitter and follow my blog (publicly)
- leave a comment stating where you are from, to make it easier (UK or France), your first name and valid email address
- the giveway will be open until the 13th of February at midnight, good luck!

Pour participer:

- vous devez être membre de ce blog, avec google friend connect; si vous n'avez pas de blog ce n'est pas un problème tant que vous avez un compte google ou twitter et que vous êtes membre du blog de façon publique
- laissez un commentaire en précisant d'ou vous venez, pour que ça soit plus simple pour moi (UK ou France), votre prénom et adresse email valide
- le concours sera ouvert jusqu'au 13 Février à minuit, bonne chance !

My new favourite things


Hello there! These pictures comes straight from my bedroom I'm afraid, the weather has been really bad this past week, and it was just too cold for me to pose outside!
I have been quite lucky shopping-wise recently, and even though I am *totally* broke, I still managed to snap some great things reasonably priced! Earlier this week I found this lovely sheer shirt in Primark; I really like the fact that it's longer at the back, and it looks so romantic, I love it! I can tell that I'm going to wear in so many different ways: tucked inside a skirt, with jeans, or on its own (with leggings or a bodycon skirt as it's so see-through). I also found this cute charm necklace, which you may have already seen on Rose's blog!

Bonjour ! J'ai trouvé cette adorable blouse/chemise chez Primark cette semaine, j'adore le fait qu'elle soit plus longue derrière et je sais déjà que je vais la porter de plein de manières différentes ! J'ai également trouvé ce joli petit collier caméo !


Shirt, necklace and rings: Primark // Cardigan: Topshop // Leggings: no idea, they're ancient!

I'm not usually very lucky during the sales in Topshop, it's just so messy that I tend to give up pretty quickly! But a couple of weeks ago, I found this knitted batwing cardigan in my size, and as I had no black cardigan (crazy I know ^^) I just had to get it!
Also, I've just reached 100 followers therefore my giveaway will be up next week! It will be open to UK and French readers, and I found some lovely things to give to my lovely readers :)
J'ai trouvé ce cardigan chez Topshop, je ne trouve jamais rien d'habitude durant les soldes, c'est tellement le bazar que je lâche vite l'affaire, mais il y a deux semaines j'ai réussi à trouver ce dont j'avais besoin, car je n'avais pas de gilet noir (incroyable je sais !)
Je viens d'atteindre 100 membres, alors comme promis mon concours sera en ligne la semaine prochaine; ouvert aux lecteurs/lectrices anglais ET français !

NEXT blogger event


Hi everyone! I was lucky enough to be one of the bloggers invited to preview the Next S/S11 collection in their headquarters in Leicester on Tuesday. The day was great, it was surreal to meet all these bloggers, some of them I admire a lot, and I felt really privileged to be among this group of stylish ladies!
First, while we were having a lovely breakfast, the Next buyers presented us the different trends that make up the new collection about to hit the stores.

Bonjour à tous ! J'ai eu la chance d'être invitée par la marque anglaise Next pour découvrir leur nouvelle collection avec d'autres bloggeuses mode ce mardi; durant cette journée nous avons également participé à un 'style challenge'; voici mes photos de cette super journée (pour voir un résumé en détails regardez la vidéo à la fin, vous pouvez également me voir parler de la tenue que j'ai choisie !)


My favourite one is definitely 'White Heat', with its lovely romantic blouses and sheer fabrics. I really enjoyed seeing all the moodboards, it's a great way to see where they got their inspiration from, as well as the key colours and fabrics they've used.


Two of my favourite pieces from the collection: I really want this top, it's just so cute; and this dress is amazing, such lovely details!


I met the lovely Jen from A Little Bird Told Me, and Sarah from We Shop Therefore We are, it was so nice to meet you both! :)


We all took part in a style challenge, we were given an item from the new collection, and we had to style it with clothes from the mock-up shop (how amazing is that, seriously?) and then we were photographed! Here is the outfit I came up with, I was given the floral flare trousers, and really went for a 70s look! What do you think? I quite like it!
Finally, here is a video of the day, with me talking about the outfit I made up in the second half; I must say well done to the person who edited this video because I said a lot of cr*p and the final version is really good (apart from the bad accent hehe) so thank you!
And thank you so much to Jenny for inviting me and to the Next team for organizing this great day, I had a fantastic time and cannot wait to see the pieces I loved in store!

New year, new jumper? (word-heavy post)

(Sorry for the lameness of this title)
I know I'm late, but I really wanted to wish a Happy New Year to every single one of you, and to say again that I'm really grateful for every follower and comment so thanks a lot! :) Recently I have been thinking about how I could make this blog better, because there is clearly some room for improvement, and here is what I have decided:

* to take better pictures and as much as possible outside
* to comment more on other people's blogs, if I'm following your blog then chances are I do read every post and enjoy them, but somehow don't always comment, so that's got to change!
* to post more often, at least once a week
* to write in French again
and finally
* to organize a giveaway, as I'm getting closer to 100 followers, I really want to do one this time, and lately I have been looking for cute things I'd like to give away, and I have found some lovely stuff! So follow my blog if you don't want to miss out.. It will be up by the end of January, mark my word!

Bonjour à tous! Nouvelle année, bonnes résolutions, certaines qu'on ne tiendra pas, mais en tout cas j'ai pris la décision d'écrire de nouveau en français sur ce blog, parce qu'après tout, je suis française à la base ! Et je veux surtout que tous les français(e)s qui suivent mon blog puisse comprendre de quoi de parle (même si j'imagine que la plupart d'entre vous parle anglais un minimum !)
Je vais bientôt organiser un concours, car j'ai presque 100 membres, alors pour vous remercier j'ai trouvé des petites choses à vous faire gagner, d'ici fin janvier au plus tard ! N'hésitez pas à suivre mon blog pour ne pas rater ça, le concours sera ouvert aux français et anglais !



Jumper and Jeans: H&M // Slippers and belt: Primark // crap hair: my own

Ce pull vient de chez H&M, c'est une longue histoire mais il était sold out de partout (Londres, Lyon, Paris, j'ai tout essayé !) et finalement il y a eu un réassort sur le site internet (car H&M a une boutique en ligne qui livre en Angleterre) et je l'ai reçu la semaine dernière ! Et je l'adore !Les bottines fourrées sont en fait des pantoufles, qui viennent de chez Primark ! (non je ne sors pas avec, c'était juste pour les photos ^^)

But for now, let me show you this jumper. Or should I say: THE jumper. It was on the H&M winter ads, (online and in store) and when I saw it I thought 'hey this doesn't look too bad, it looks warm and I like the print, and for just £9.99.. let's go and get it!'
I thought finding this jumper would be easy. BIG mistake. It was sold out on the website, I went to 4 different shops in London and none had it, and when I went back to France for Christmas,it had sold out in Lyon too! I called other stores nearby and it was the same story. I even tried Ebay without success. As you can imagine not finding it made me want to have it even more the usual story of wanting what you cannot have!)
So after two weeks of almost constant search and disappointment, I was ready to give up,and was just clicking away on the H&M website when suddenly, instead of the usual 'this item is sold out' it went on a different page and there was one size left, mine!
I obviously bought it straight away, received it last week, and I love it! The cut may not be the most flattering on me, but I don't care: I'm in love with my jumper!
The furry shoes are actually slippers, but I thought they matched the jumper (well, kind of) so added them for the pictures!

And finally, some kitty-cuteness: my cat, sleeping (as usual) and looking adorable (as usual too) // Mon chat, qui me manque beaucoup !
