New year, new jumper? (word-heavy post)

(Sorry for the lameness of this title)
I know I'm late, but I really wanted to wish a Happy New Year to every single one of you, and to say again that I'm really grateful for every follower and comment so thanks a lot! :) Recently I have been thinking about how I could make this blog better, because there is clearly some room for improvement, and here is what I have decided:

* to take better pictures and as much as possible outside
* to comment more on other people's blogs, if I'm following your blog then chances are I do read every post and enjoy them, but somehow don't always comment, so that's got to change!
* to post more often, at least once a week
* to write in French again
and finally
* to organize a giveaway, as I'm getting closer to 100 followers, I really want to do one this time, and lately I have been looking for cute things I'd like to give away, and I have found some lovely stuff! So follow my blog if you don't want to miss out.. It will be up by the end of January, mark my word!

Bonjour à tous! Nouvelle année, bonnes résolutions, certaines qu'on ne tiendra pas, mais en tout cas j'ai pris la décision d'écrire de nouveau en français sur ce blog, parce qu'après tout, je suis française à la base ! Et je veux surtout que tous les français(e)s qui suivent mon blog puisse comprendre de quoi de parle (même si j'imagine que la plupart d'entre vous parle anglais un minimum !)
Je vais bientôt organiser un concours, car j'ai presque 100 membres, alors pour vous remercier j'ai trouvé des petites choses à vous faire gagner, d'ici fin janvier au plus tard ! N'hésitez pas à suivre mon blog pour ne pas rater ça, le concours sera ouvert aux français et anglais !



Jumper and Jeans: H&M // Slippers and belt: Primark // crap hair: my own

Ce pull vient de chez H&M, c'est une longue histoire mais il était sold out de partout (Londres, Lyon, Paris, j'ai tout essayé !) et finalement il y a eu un réassort sur le site internet (car H&M a une boutique en ligne qui livre en Angleterre) et je l'ai reçu la semaine dernière ! Et je l'adore !Les bottines fourrées sont en fait des pantoufles, qui viennent de chez Primark ! (non je ne sors pas avec, c'était juste pour les photos ^^)

But for now, let me show you this jumper. Or should I say: THE jumper. It was on the H&M winter ads, (online and in store) and when I saw it I thought 'hey this doesn't look too bad, it looks warm and I like the print, and for just £9.99.. let's go and get it!'
I thought finding this jumper would be easy. BIG mistake. It was sold out on the website, I went to 4 different shops in London and none had it, and when I went back to France for Christmas,it had sold out in Lyon too! I called other stores nearby and it was the same story. I even tried Ebay without success. As you can imagine not finding it made me want to have it even more the usual story of wanting what you cannot have!)
So after two weeks of almost constant search and disappointment, I was ready to give up,and was just clicking away on the H&M website when suddenly, instead of the usual 'this item is sold out' it went on a different page and there was one size left, mine!
I obviously bought it straight away, received it last week, and I love it! The cut may not be the most flattering on me, but I don't care: I'm in love with my jumper!
The furry shoes are actually slippers, but I thought they matched the jumper (well, kind of) so added them for the pictures!

And finally, some kitty-cuteness: my cat, sleeping (as usual) and looking adorable (as usual too) // Mon chat, qui me manque beaucoup !


11 commentaires:

Ellie a dit…

The jumper is lovely! So snuggly. And great resolutions! One of mine is to learn french this year :) x

daisychain a dit…


love your jumper xox

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour, ça faisait plusieurs mois que je n'étais pas venu sur ton blog. Moi je suis un "troll" qui dis toujours leur 4 vérités aux blogueuses. Là ce qui m'a le plus frappé, c'est que je trouve que tu as beaucoup grossi ! Je ne pense pas que ce soit particulièrement dans ta nature, mais que tu as dû manger un peu n'importe comment ces derniers temps (les Anglais et leur grignotage à longueur de journée ne sont pas forcément des exemples à suivre dans ce domaine !).
Reprends-toi en main d'urgence !!

Iris / London Fashion Diary a dit…

@Anonyme: euuh tu es sure de toi là ? moi je dirais plutôt que c'est la photo qui donne cette impression, ce pull n'est pas le plus flatteur à ce niveau là, j'en conviens. Cependant mon poids est toujours le même et ce depuis que j'ai 17 ans.. Regarde l'article d'avant, tu pourras voir que je suis loin d'être obêse !
Mais merci de ta solicitude !

Shope and Shore a dit…

Lovely jumper! I love the print on it, and I love your boots! Im now following sweetie :)

Hope you can do the same!

Anonyme a dit…

Haha so you have a great taste in music!
That jumper is so cute, a friend of mine has it two!
And thank you for your sweet comment (:

Unknown a dit…

Some good, attainable resolutions here doll! Loving that jumper too, gorgeous jazzy ♥

WeShop a dit…

Salut! It was lovely to meet you yesterday. I'll make the effort to comment more too - I do read, just am often a little lazy with comments! xx

alexandra grecco a dit…

awww kitty cat!


o a dit…

Hi, Iris! What a cozy jumper:) Happy New Year to you, as well! Congrats on nearly reaching 100 followers:D Thx again for dropping by my blog! -AB

Amélie a dit…

- Wooooooow Ce Pull ! Je L'ai Tellement Cherchée , Rien Du Tous =(