a LFW post -at long last-

Sorry I've been off the blogging radar for a while, some things (mostly bad) have happened to me recently and have prevented me from posting.
Back to LFW, I had a press pass this time round, and a couple of tickets for the first day (Friday 18th)! I know this may not seem much -so many bloggers got tickets from different people and PR companies; but alas, no such luck for me and my little blog.
Anyway, I was still very happy and grateful for those tickets and the press pass (I got the Mulberry tote bag this time!). Here are some of the pictures I took, which are shamefully ugly as I made the mistake of borrowing my flatmate's DSLR camera only to realized a bit late that I didn't really know how to use it!
I attended Paul Costelloe's show first thing in the morning, it was freezing and even though I made an effort with my outfit, I'm no English girl who can walk around in skyscrape heels and without a coat in sub-zero temperatures and therefore opted for my beloved sheep skirt with over the knee socks, my brogues, and my vintage brown coat. I don't have any pictures, since nobody seemed to think my outfit worth being photographed (and I can't blame them) so you'll have to imagine!
I really loved the show, the green dress pictured is to die for, and as all the models had red haired wigs, I could see that the colours could probably suit me too (though my hair is not quite as bright, thank god!)



In the afternoon, I attented Aminaka Wilmont's show, where I bumped into the lovely Jen. The collection is really far from my personal style, yet I loved the shoes, and the models' hairstyles: long straight hair with plaits!


Then we went to see the exhibition space, I really wanted to see Orla Kiely's new collection, and was slightly suprised as the clothes were displayed on cardboard pictures stuck on the walls! I spotted the designer herself, and later Leith Clark, but obviously I admired them from afar, I'm way too shy to talk to them!




I hope you liked this little round-up, I did not have the opportunity to come back during the weekend as I had my family visiting, and then I had uni, but next time I'll really try my best to get more tickets, as it's just so exciting to attend the shows, it really is a unique experience!


P.S: reading my post now, I hope it doesn't sound too negative; I'm not one to whine on my blog or in general, as I don't really see the point, but I have to admit my mum is really ill, I had to go back to France for a week to look after her and so I hope you will excuse my somewhat negative tone, but I really wanted to post -I'm not ready to give up on this blog just yet!

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hope your mum will recover soon!
I'd be glad to try to cheer you up, so if you wish you can let me know here when you come in France and if you happen to go through Paris I'll contact you and manage to take you out for dinner or to the movies!
Unusual way to discover one's readers, but why not?^^
PS "Anonyme" is my pseudo !

Anonyme a dit…

So cool that you went to LFW! And thank you for your sweet comment (:

Hannah a dit…

lovely photos, LFW was a lot of fun, a shame we didn't bump into each other. hope things are better now and if not just try to smile and things will eventually be good again =)

Bow Dream Nation xx

Filipa a dit…

Ah Iris, take as much time you need we will be here to support you -that's what we do very well in the bloggy blog world. I'm so sorry your mum is ill, i really hope it all ends up okey. And don't give up on the blog, you can write as little or as much as you'd like , and with negative tone as well, it won't matter really :)