The Oxfam Curiosity Shop


Hey! I've been meaning to tell you about a very exciting project I am taking part in and which could definitely be of interest to some of you! Oxfam has teamed up with Selfridges (in London) to open a pop-up shop for a week in the luxury department store, from the 14th of May (tomorrow) to the 20th of May.
The Oxfam Curiosity Shop will showcase thousands of vintage clothes, accessories and homeware; as well as clothes donated by celebrities, such as by Alexa Chung, Elle Mac Pherson or Annie Lennox (among many others!) All the money raised will go to different women's charities supported by Oxfam.
Being a volunteer for Oxfam, I've had the opportunity to help set up the shop hence working in Selfridges for a few days, which has been very exciting! I will also work there when the shop is open, so why not come and say hi? Some celebrities will also be part of the staff, so this will definitely be a unique shopping experience!


As you can see, there were of loads of clothes to sort, steam, and price! And in case you were wondering, the prices will be very attractive, as the shop has been set up by Oxfam. There are a lot of designers clothes, too, so you will find bargains aplenty!

I love this dress! And floral shorts are a must for Spring, don't you think? :D


The pop- up shop opens tomorrow (Friday) at noon, and will be located in the Ultralounge (lower ground floor) in Selfridges..
I hope you enjoyed this little 'behind the scene' post! For those of you who can't make it, there will be photos of the shop here really soon, so stay tuned!

xxx Iris

9 commentaires:

Love Food a dit…

What a fantastic idea. Great to see your behind the scenes pictures. I'll definately have to see if I can get along there one day.

Lydia xxx

Tobi a dit…

Im still gutted that I cant make it damn exams!!! If I get enough work done i'll treat myself !!!

Anonyme a dit…

That shop looks amazing! Ö

Jen a dit…

I heard about this! Just another reason I wish I was in London! Can't wait to hear and see more of it. Hope it goes well! xx

Unknown a dit…

Gosh this looks fantastic! I'm a big fan of Oxfam (though the one nearest to me is Appalling with a capital A), good to see the legacy of Mary Portas has revitalised some charity shopping experiences! :)

Claire @ Jazzpad

jazmine rocks @ jazzabelle's diary a dit…

hello, lovely! thank-you for your sweet comment. ohh, i'm still deciding what to wear, i think i may go for more of a strong, dark look, as recently i have been wearing a lot of light colours and floral patterns. hopefully you will pick up a few bits whilst you are volunteering. gosh, there are so many clothes! i totally would pop along, but i only have fifteen pound to my name to last me until next thursday, hehe. xxx

daisychain a dit…

what a fab idea

Becca. a dit…

wow, thats such a fab idea!
i wish i could go see it!


The Fashion Cloud a dit…

Ca à l'air geniale ce petit shop!!!

Tout se passe bien? tellement contente de voir que le soleil pointe le bout de son nez héhé l'été arrive enfin
