Dusty Pink Trousers & Lace Top


Hey there! I feel quite content today (which is quite rare haha), the Royal Wedding is only in two days time, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be in London! To top it up, I am on holidays, I found a lovely job, and am back to volunteering in the Oxfam Boutique, which I enjoy a lot! Especially because I'm now going to be more involved with the visual merchandising; I just love putting outfits together for the window display, and it makes me so happy when someone buys things from there! Back to my outfit, I am wearing something I used not to like at all: hareem trousers, or are they chino trousers? Anyway, I've recently been liking them a lot, and I think it's all about finding the ones that suit you! I love these ones from H&M, the print is so cute, and they are oh so comfortable! I'm wearing them with the Next lace top featured in my previous post, and a turquoise ring from Primark!

Bonjour ! J'ai vraiment hâte d'être à vendredi, pour le mariage royal ! Je suis de bonne humeur (c'est si rare haha) car je suis en vacances, j'ai trouvé un boulot plutôt cool, et je suis de retour en tant que bénévole à la boutique Oxfam où j'avais travaillé l'année dernière ! Je m'occupe de tout ce qui est visual merchandising cette année, et ça me plait beaucoup; j'adore créer des tenues en fonction de ce que l'on a, des tendances, tout en restant créative !Pour en revenir à ma tenue, je porte un type de pantalon que je n'aimais pas du tout avant, mais dernièrement j'ai changé d'avis et j'adore celui-ci qui vient de chez H&M ! Je le porte avec mon haut en dentelle Next, et ma bague turquoise de chez Primark ! Sans oublier mon étérnel chapeau de paille, qu'est-ce que je ferais sans lui ? ^^Allez-vous regarder le mariage à la télé ce vendredi ? Je serais à Hyde Park dès l'aube (ou presque) !

I am also wearing my straw hat yet again, I love it so much! The last picture is just to show you my hat a bit better.. Ok it's actually to hide my face, I find it so hard to smile/look natural on the pictures hehe. What are your plans for this Friday? I shall be in Hyde Park from a very early time!

Spring Love

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Hey everyone, today is a bit of a different post, I wanted to share with you the things that I'm loving most at the moment! I thought my garden and its trees in bloom would make a nice background! Firstly, I love my new lace top from Next, I just keep wearing it, it's so pretty and I love adding a vintage cameo brooch, (pictured on the right).

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If you don't know it yet, I'm a Janeite (in other words a huge fan of Jane Austen) and I keep looking for books about her, and this one is so amazing! It's full of interesting facts about Jane Austen, her family, her life, where she lived, her novels etc -definitely a must have for fans of Jane Austen, and it's quite cheap on Amazon (£6). I'm also loving the trees in bloom at the moment, especially the cherry blossoms but unfortunately I don't have any in my garden!



Finally, my Primark straw hat which I bought last year, and which was such a good investment, seeing as I keep wearing this year as well! What are you loving at the moment?

Voici ce que j'aime en ce moment, dans l'ordre: mon top en dentelle de chez Next, je n'arrête pas de le porter, et avec cette petite broche vintage, je trouve que c'est vraiment joli ! Mon livre de chevet en ce moment est un livre sur Jane Austen, mon auteur préférée, comme son titre l'indique c'est une vraie bible pour ses fidèles fans ! Enfin, mon chapeau de paille provenant de chez Primark, que je continue de porter cette année, et que j'aime toujours autant ! Et vous, qu'aimez-vous en ce moment ?

Iris in Wonderland


Hey guys! I haven't written in quite a while, sorry about that; actually my last project for uni is due on Thursday and then I should have more time to post.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd share with you a couple of pictures that my group took for our magazine project, I was one of the 'models' (I put '' because I am clearly not a model) but I really like how they turned out so here is the result! The first picture will be included in the magazine for our main fashion story on florals so I'm quite happy!
For some reason, this outfit reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, even though I know full well I don't look like her :) The skirt is from H&M, it's mine and I'm so pleased I've found a new way to wear it: with a cute ribbon! I also fell in love with the bird headband which, sadly, is not mine! Perhaps I could share more pictures with you once the magazine is handed in next week? Our magazine features a lot of vintage, and is a bit like Lula,so some of you may like it!

Bonjour à tous ! Voici quelques photos provenant d'un photoshoot auquel j'ai participé à la fac, je suis assez contente du résultat ! Notre project de fin d'année est de créer notre propre magazine de mode, et j'ai été l'une des modèles de mon groupe, le thème était 'florals', soit motifs floraux; la jupe vient de chez H&M, je suis assez contente car j'ai trouvé un nouveau moyen de la porter, avec un joli ruban rose ! D'ailleurs, cette tenue me fait un peu penser à Alice au pays des merveilles, (même si je suis bien consciente que je ne lui ressemble pas du tout héhé) Qu'en pensez-vous ?