J'ai récemment découvert le groupe Florence and The Machine, et j'aime beaucoup leur premier album, Lungs. Après m'être un peu plus renseigné sur ce groupe, je me suis rendue compte que non seulement j'aimais leur musique, mais surtout le style de la chanteuse, Florence Welch. Cette chanteuse anglaise de 23 ans a un style vraiment particulier, féminin, romantique, elle a vraiment son propre univers, ce qui fait d'elle une de mes style-icons !
Son univers peut être parfois baroque, un peu médieval (comme sur la photo d'en dessous)...
I've recently discovered the band Florence and The Machine, and I really love their debut album, Lungs. After making a bit of research about them, I realized that not only did I love their music but also the style of the front singer, Florence Welch. This 23-year-old British girl really has her own, unique style, and she is definitely one of my modern style-icons! Her style can be baroque, medieval-ish (like on the photo below):
Mais Florence porte également des petites robes 60's avec des derbies et des petites chaussettes remontées.. J'adore ! // But Florence is also into 60s dresses teamed with derbies and little socks.. I love it!
Elle a un style vraiment unique, et je dois admettre qu'elle m'inspire vraiment, étant rousse, et ayant une coupe de cheveux assez similaire à la mienne.. // Her style really is unique, and I must admit she inspires me a lot, having red hair too, and a hairstyle quite similar to mine..
Florence avec une robe bodycon, un perfecto en cuir et des chaussures ressemblant au Zizi de Repetto.. Peut être même que ça en est ? (appel aux connaisseurs !)// Here Florence is wearing a bodycon dress, a cropped leather jacket, and Repetto-like shoes.Voici pour finir une photo de Florence lors d'un de ses concerts, portant le gilet à plumes Topshop qui a eu un succès fou l'été dernier !! En bref, son style n'est jamais figé, et j'admire vraiment sa créativité ! Vous pouvez écouter l'album ici ou sur Spotify, je vous le conseille vraiment ! :)
Finally, here is a photo from one of their concerts, Florence is here wearing the infamous Topshop feather top, which was such a hit last summer! To conclude, her style is never the same, and I really admire her creativity! For those of you who haven't listened to their great album yet, here is a link to their Myspace , or you can find it on Spotify! :)
Thanks for your answers on my previous article.. It will be a great pleasure for me to show you my favourite places in London! Starting with a wonderful museum.. soon! xxx
24 commentaires:
great photos... she is so beautiful.
i like your blog.
omg she is beautiful and her style is great... i love the crown her head in the first photo!
Thanks for visting my blog and commenting. Visit agian soon
Vi from Cali
I ADORE Florence. Her hair is just so wonderful. And Lungs is such a brilliant album!
J'adore son style aussi !
she's gorgeous and her style is so unique and lovely. I really adore her red hair... sigh. xx
Je file sur le Myspace! Ton article m'a donné envie d'en savoir plus. :D
Superbe cette découverte!!
she is such an inspiration
How funny, she looks so much like you that I had to look twice to figure out who was who! You both look fabulous. I love your(plural) hair colour.
I'm going to check out Florence & the Machine, now I'm curious.
I might be able to meet Thursday if you want after the class. Let's talk closer to the date: jill@haybooks.com & I'll send you my number. x
Amazing inspiration photos, I love that second photo in particular ;)
Poétique.... <3
j'adore la premiere photo
Je l'adore.
Et j'adore la chanson, Girl with one eye.
J'adore elle est vraiment superbe, et la première photo d'elle est top
J'adore Florence and the machine! Florence is such a stylish and interesting charachter. Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing!
She has stupendous style. And I totally dig her red locks!
I really love Florence Welch :) x
I absolutely LOVE her band. "Kiss with a fist" is such a good song! gahh i love this post :)
I love her too, I love the song 'You Got The Love' and 'The Dog Day's are Over'. I think she is a really positive image for people with learning difficulties and shows that they can make something of themselves. I love your blog by the way I am studying french at school so it really helps me with my french!
Drop by my blog at:
From Dolly
quelle look! quelle style! et quelle magnifique cheveure flamboyate! elle incare ue très belle version de la féminité!j'adore
C'est vrai qu'elle a un super style ; j'aime beaucoup sa musique :)
tu sais que la première fois que j'ai vu une photo de toi tu m'as fait penser à elle? et oui oui oui pour voir tes endroits préférés de londres! (j'adore ce genre d'articles) xx
You definitely resemble her, not just your amazing hair but just your features generally...so beautiful x
I love Florence, she's so unique!
I think you actually look quite a lot like her...lucky you!
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